Monday, July 26, 2010

What is "Sculptra"?

Does anyone truly know how he or she will age? We can look at our parents and see how their skin looks but there are so many things that people may be doing differently than one another.

Sculptra may be one small step!

Age doesn't have to look the way it used to. It's more subtle. More gradual. Shouldn't your anti-age be just as subtle?

Introducing Sculptra Aesthetic. Not an overnight miracle. Long lasting. Not a quick-fix. The first facial injectable that gives you subtle results over time. Replacing lost collagen. Giving you a more natural-looking appearance, without giving you away. A full treatment of Sculptra Aesthetic, an average of three injection sessions over a few months, can last up to two years.

So you have more time to see how sensational subtle can be. Welcome to the new age of anti-age.

Sculptra Aesthetic is a new type of facial injectable made from poly-L-lactic acid, which helps to replace lost collagen. It helps correct shallow to deep facial wrinkles, and folds, that appear with aging by replacing lost collagen. The main ingredient is a biocompatible, biodegradable synthetic material that has been used by physicians for decades.

Introducing Sculptra Aesthetic. The first facial injectable that gives you noticeable results that emerge subtly and can last up to two years.

As you age, your body's collagen production decreases, and you may begin to see wrinkles. Sculptra Aesthetic works to correct shallow to deep facial wrinkles and folds, as it replaces lost collagen, which can help provide a refined, more youthful looking appearance.

Please contact our office for FDA approved Sculptra.

Information on Breast Reduction

Q: How do I know if I’m a good candidate for breast reduction surgery?

A: The first qualification you need to meet to qualify for breast reduction surgery is that you are a fully grown adult. If you are a teenager and still growing, you won’t be able to find a doctor who will perform the surgery on you. Second, any woman who is in good health but is experiencing pain or discomfort from their breasts is a good candidate. Also, if your breast size is causing you some kind of medical condition, you are a good candidate for the surgery.

Q: What kind of health benefits can I expect from a breast reduction procedure?

A: Once your brief recovery has been completed, there are many health benefits you will notice thanks to your breast reduction operation, including a lessening of back pain, better posture, less strain on your shoulders, better ability to breathe, and more. There is also a significant increase in self-esteem and positive body images that go along with having the breast size you have always wanted.

Q: What are the common risks associated with breast reduction surgery?

A: The most immediate risks come from possible infections after your procedure has been completed, or complications due to a bad reaction from the anaesthesia that was used. During recovery, some women report problems with possible nerve damage, loss of sensation, or sensitivity in the nipples and around the breast, and sometimes even a loss of the ability to nurse. In extreme cases, some women have even reported blood clots, but this particular complication is rare.

Q: What happens during the surgery itself?

A: There are actually several different ways to approach a breast reduction operation. In general, however, a large incision is made from the nipple downwards to the crease of the breast. Once the cut has been made, tissue and skin will be removed and the nipple and areola are often relocated to a point higher on the breast. Overall, depending on how straight forward the condition is, the procedure can take anywhere between one hour and three hours per breast.

Q: What kind of aftermath is associated with breast reduction surgery?

A: The total healing time can be upwards of two months, but the initial pain and swelling often goes away in about two weeks. You will need to wear a surgical bra and have your breasts wrapped in gauze for much of that time.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

MedSpa with Dr Kimberly Henry

Out of Dr. Henry's office comes Med Spa! We offer all different types of facials and skin care treatments to make your skin look years younger. It is professional therapeutic skin care and beauty treatments. Come in or call in to speak with our esthetician about procedures and specials and everything you need to know. You can even call in for advice about skin care!

We have a facebook page! It lists all our office hours, phone number, location, and of course all our offered treatments! Click on the following link! Med Spa with Dr. Kimberly Henry. Call now, email now, what ever you prefer.

Dr. Henry's Real Self Page

Hello all! Have you looked at the website, Real Dr. Henry, along with many other doctors are featured on this site. The doctors answer questions, give advice, post before and after pictures, and more! Dr. Henry has won 8 top doctor awards from them and is classified as a Silver Elite Doctor or 2010. You can read articles written by her and her answers to questions posted by patients or people just curious about plastic/cosmetic surgery.

Search Dr. Kimberly Henry on Real Self or just click on the following link. Dr. Henry's Real Self Page. Hope you enjoy this website, many find it very helpful. Have a good Wednesday!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

How do you chose your plastic surgeon?

It is very important to chose a surgeon and doctor whom you can trust. Make sure they are well qualified as well. Here are a few sample questions to ask when looking for a plastic surgeon:

■Have you successfully passed rigorous written and oral examinations administered by the American Board of Plastic surgery or The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada?
■Are you board-certified by the American Board of Plastic surgery or the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada?
■Have you completed at least five years of surgical training following medical school with a minimum of two years of plastic surgery residency training?
■Have you completed post medical training, including patient safety training each year? Have you preformed surgery in accredited, state-licensed, or Medicare-certified surgical facilities?
■Do you follow a strict code of ethics?

Happy hunting!

Thursday, July 15, 2010


The review page has been updated! Read the reviews posted and feel free to leave a comment with any questions or concerns. We will get back to you ASAP!

Patient Reviews

Check out the reviews on the blog, click on the page link in the above toolbar and read on! These are real patients who wrote about their amazing experience with Dr. Henry.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Our Website

Dr. Kimberly Henry's website is
Check it out!!

There is a place for you to look at before and after pictures, her other blog, about her practice, and more! Check it out!!


WELCOME! This blog is run by Dr. Kimberly Henry and her staff and we plan to do it all! Well, maybe not "all" but an awful lot.
On this blog we plan to answer questions you may have about plastic/cosmetic surgery and MedSpa's, tell you about deals and offers we have in the office, post real testimonials from our patients and give out cool websites that can help make your experience with plastic/cosmetic surgery the easiest it can be.
So once more, welcome and please read on! We will update the blog (mostly) everyday and if you have ANY questions or concerns please feel free to call our office or email us. Happy reading!