Q: How do I know if I’m a good candidate for breast reduction surgery?
A: The first qualification you need to meet to qualify for breast reduction surgery is that you are a fully grown adult. If you are a teenager and still growing, you won’t be able to find a doctor who will perform the surgery on you. Second, any woman who is in good health but is experiencing pain or discomfort from their breasts is a good candidate. Also, if your breast size is causing you some kind of medical condition, you are a good candidate for the surgery.
Q: What kind of health benefits can I expect from a breast reduction procedure?
A: Once your brief recovery has been completed, there are many health benefits you will notice thanks to your breast reduction operation, including a lessening of back pain, better posture, less strain on your shoulders, better ability to breathe, and more. There is also a significant increase in self-esteem and positive body images that go along with having the breast size you have always wanted.
Q: What are the common risks associated with breast reduction surgery?
A: The most immediate risks come from possible infections after your procedure has been completed, or complications due to a bad reaction from the anaesthesia that was used. During recovery, some women report problems with possible nerve damage, loss of sensation, or sensitivity in the nipples and around the breast, and sometimes even a loss of the ability to nurse. In extreme cases, some women have even reported blood clots, but this particular complication is rare.
Q: What happens during the surgery itself?
A: There are actually several different ways to approach a breast reduction operation. In general, however, a large incision is made from the nipple downwards to the crease of the breast. Once the cut has been made, tissue and skin will be removed and the nipple and areola are often relocated to a point higher on the breast. Overall, depending on how straight forward the condition is, the procedure can take anywhere between one hour and three hours per breast.
Q: What kind of aftermath is associated with breast reduction surgery?
A: The total healing time can be upwards of two months, but the initial pain and swelling often goes away in about two weeks. You will need to wear a surgical bra and have your breasts wrapped in gauze for much of that time.
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